The fair which is held at the beginning of the first day of the Baishak in the village and town in called the’ baishake mela”. At some areas is celebrated for one week or whole month. Various types of events are celebrated in this fairsuch as Circus, puppet show and many interesting games. Besides these various types of traditional food of Bangladesh are found in this fair.
Halkata is a general traditional custom of pahela baishak. New accounts are oppend for the new year on this day and the business men and the costomers end the financial transaction of the last year customers are servant sweets “punnah” is another remarkable functions of Pahela baishak. “Punnah” means a holy day to start anything accordingly to astrology. Though “punnah” was functional in the past. It is na longer seen as such in these days. One this day, the king collects revenues form his subjects.
Annual fair is one approach of the general celebrations of pahela baishak. Many fair is one approach of the general celebrations of Pahela Baishak. Many fairs both small and big start form the 1st day of baishak. The local arrange those fairs which last form one to seven days . Some times Baishake mela goes on through the whole month. The biggest baishaki mela is held at “Nakmordan” in Dinajpur of north Bengal. This fair usually fasts for one long month. Dance, music, merry- go-round add beauty to this fair. Our new year comes with scorehing heat. Boys and girls sing asking for water. Celebration of pahela Baishak is a tradition of our culture. This tradition is running from time immemorial and no evidence can be found about its origin. Nevertheless it leaves a profound effect on the conscience of the Banglie. With everything the country assunes with a festive look on Pahela Baishak.
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